
Marcel Krings & Sebastian Mühlhäuser

„Casulo - Mobile Living Furniture”
complete furniture for one room which can be packed up to the base scale of a euro-pallet

Flexibility and mobility have become key concepts of today’s working world and yet we continue to create our own barriers to our success and mobility.We take on obligations and responsibilities and obtain house goods far beyond what we really need. (...) The “Casulo” concept offers an inventive and achievable opportunity to face the demands of mobile living. (...)“Casulo” is a complete set of room furniture which can be set up in less than ten minutes and later disassembled and repacked like a standard Euro pallet of 80 cm by 120 cm. No tools are needed in the process.

Sebastian Mühlhäuser


Degreed designer


Born in Frankfurt / Germany

Since he finished his apprenticeship as a cabinetmaker in 1999, he worked in several companies as a cabinetmaker and also as designer for exhibitions and fairs in Germany and Chile. From 2003 to 2007 he was resposible for the exhibition-design of the „Cultural and Museum Centre Karonga” in Malawi, Africa, and coordinated its construction. From 2001 to 2007 he studied design at the „Köln International School of Design” in Cologne, Germany.

Marcel Krings


Degreed designer

Graphic designer for digital and printed media

Born in Neuwied, Germany. After his apprenticeship as a graphic designer for digital and printed media in 2000 he worked for an advertising agency. From 2001 to 2007 he studied design at the „Köln International School of Design” in Cologne, Germany, and at the „Universidade Federal do Paraná” in Curitiba, Brazil. Among further experiences in Brazil, he worked since 2001 as a free designer in Germany.

For their collaborate dissertation „Casulo” they won the „Abraham & David Roentgen Award” in 2007 as well as they received a honorable mention of the „Lucky Strike Junior Design Award” in 2008.

More information: www.mein-casulo.de

Participants 2008 A-Z